Ancora violenti Tornado negli States
Le ultime informazioni in arrivo dagli USA sono tragiche: a causa del passaggio del Tornado di ieri, classificato come F4 (la scala va da F0 a F5), hanno perso la vita 32 persone a Tuscaloosa, mentre in tutta l'Alabama le vittime sarebbero 121.
155, invece, i report di Tornado nella sola Alabama, nelle 24 ore del 27 Aprile.
Ecco il dettaglio della notizia, pubblicata su tuscaloosanews:
TUSCALOOSA | At least 32 people are dead and more than 400 injured in the wake of a devastating tornado that hit the city late Wednesday afternoon, destroying thousands of homes, businesses and other structures.
That was the sobering message a stoic Mayor Walt Maddox delivered Wednesday night amid the aftermath of a series of storms that killed 72 people in four states.
“This afternoon, Tuscaloosa was devastated by a tornado which has created death and destruction across our city,” Maddox began. “To my fellow citizens who are hurting tonight, in the days, weeks and months ahead, our city will rise to meet these challenges by dedicating every available resource.”
Among those resources was a host of emergency powers temporarily granted Maddox by a unanimous vote of the City Council. All but one member — Councilman Kip Tyner, whose District 5 was among the hardest hit — was in attendance.
Parts of Alberta in Tyner's district were destroyed, with at least one apartment complex reduced to shambles.
So, too, was Rosedale Court on 10th Avenue, where at least one person was killed.
McFarland Boulevard and areas around its intersection with 15th Street and Veterans Memorial Parkway resemble war zones. Businesses, like Krispy Kreme, that were considered institutions have been erased from this city's map.
Recovering from the widespread destruction — the tornado left a mile-wide swath through the city, from the southwest corner to its northeast tip — will take every resource the city has and then some, Maddox said.
“Our infrastructure has been decimated by today's tornado,” Maddox said. “We're talking about a matter of months in dealing with this recovery.”
Le notizie della mattinata:
Gli stati Uniti d'America continuano ad essere interessati da violenti temporali, di tipo supercellulare, associati a numerosi ed intensi fenomeni vorticosi.
Ieri sera è andata in onda una diretta LIVE straordinaria, che ha ripreso il passaggio di un intenso Tornado, probabilmente di categoria F4, sulla cittadina di Tuscoloosa, in Alabama; esso è andato poi traslando verso Birmingham, mantenendo pressoché inalterata la sua intensità.
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